The Trinity: Body, Mind, Spirit

Robin D. Cooper, PhD (seeker)
3 min readDec 21, 2018



Just S’UNO: Questions. Knowledge. Action. Power.

Questions: Does emotional stress really affect my physical body? Do past hurts truly influence my presence? Can I just will it away (pray, meditate, hope, etc.) or drown it out with busyness (drinking, drugs, shopping, grad school, etc.)?

Knowledge: The responses for me were, Yes, yes, and No! And research says the same (i.e. bell hooks, Sisters of the Yam; The Temple of My Familiar, Alice Walker; Dr. Hawkins, Power vs Force). Body, Mind, & Spirit are intimately connected — each one informing the other — and I believe it is our work to keep them balanced, aligned with Source, and healthy.

When I was suffering with emotional pain, my entire body bore witness to it (i.e. weight gain, joint pain, heart arrhythmia) and my spirit was affected by it (i.e. depression, loneliness, agitation). My mind didn’t get left out of the trauma as I experienced cloudy judgement, indecisiveness, mental stagnation and the like.

Action: While observing me in my various manifestations of pain, my youngest son, Yahshua (Josh) suggested I try yoga and meditation — the best class he’d taken in college (an amazing testimony). I listened to my son because wisdom doesn’t have an age and began my healing journey. That journey included lucid dreaming, journaling, meditation, affirmative prayer, healthy media consumption, consulting a Naturopathic Doctor, and engaging in psychological counseling for almost a year. Notice that NONE of these practices focused on stopping certain behavior…the focus was on what I chose to engage in.

Yoga, a diet rich in fruits/vegetables (less sugar), and physical therapy for my aching knees (they’d hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep at night) came next. Once my healing journey began, there was no stopping me — I was committed to self-love and elevation!

I no longer had the desire to drown out the emotional pain or romanticize it. With no fuel to feed the negative energy, I was able to watch it (along with those I had chosen to bring it/ those who enjoyed it) walk away holding hands with my physical pain. B-bye and thank you. It was amazing.

Power: In March of 2018, my orthopedic doctor told me I needed both knees replaced and suggested quarterly injections would help me “wait it out” for a few years. I did NOT get those repeated injections and have not had one since March. I use yoga, physical therapy recommended exercises, essential oils, herbs, diet and natural practices (i.e. ice, compression) to support my knees and they support me without surgery. We’ll see how long this works!

I continue to write (for my life) while practicing all that I’ve listed above. I added service to others through my LLC, Just S’UNO, and increased my sleeping hours. Recently, Spirit introduced me to soul elevating art (S.E.A.) and I have been creating art work that edifies me and hopefully others.

This is a journey and I am a willing traveler. In tandem with Source we are co-creating my best life, calling forth my highest Self, and working to support others in doing the same.

Let’s Go!



Robin D. Cooper, PhD (seeker)
Robin D. Cooper, PhD (seeker)

Written by Robin D. Cooper, PhD (seeker)

Creativity saved my life…It’s like constantly being with child…birthing new life. I loved motherhood. Love that children ask “why?”…as do I. Wonder…seek…create.

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